WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This morning's stream of consciousness

It's 10:19 local time (in the CHI) and it's already been quite the eventful morning.

5 AM - Wake up, get cute....I hate to travel unpretty. You never know who you'll meet in the friendly skies so yea...I tend to get dressed like its a regular day and then side eye all of the hoodrats you traveling in those cot damn velour track suits. Death to juicy please!

5:45- I hate leaving my house dirty so I decide to take the trash out to the big collector in the back of the complex. I left with the intention of walking to the dumpster but decided to be lazy and drive...not like anyone is gonna take my parking spot...FAUK what what that noise (I said to myself as I heard a crunch). Seems that I was too busy making sure I didn't hit my car's cousin and hit the damn pole on the other side. WTF! I always park in this spot. LIKE....ALWAYS and I've never hit anything. So now there's a big GASH in the bumper of Sexy B.....and she (or HE, since i was informed that my car should be a boy) is not happy and neither am I. Too bad he wouldn't let me pout about it...even after making the situation worse by telling me how expensive it is to fix.

6:30 get to the airport and every thing is good. No complaints, well except me wondering why the one TSA guy made me take my shoes out the bin and put them directly on the conveyor belt, but didn't ask anyone else to? I even smiled as the TSA agent mentioned the number of heels stuffed into my bag.


Arrival in Chicagoland....my fauking suitcase pulley thing won't come up and my next gate is clear across the airport...whole 'nother terminal and what not. Oh how nice of the flight attendant to mention the gate for Little Rock...must have known that's where I was headed. Ok soo G10, got it. WAIT the board says G21. EEK.. This bag is heavy and stopping every five minutes to switch arms is not working for me. Bright Idea: use the little strap and pull it. #Fail that just leads to a hand cramp. Well at least G terminal is in sight. I see the gate but decided to get some starbucks and what not. That's great. Get to G21 and decide to "just make sure" that it's the right gate since it was posted on the screen. NOPE....back to G10.

@G10. greeted by a little boy who has either been eating chocolate pudding or poop. Either way, his mom should clean his face. He's a busy little one too but that's ok atleast he isn't yelling...and he isn't going to be on my flight. ANNOUNCEMENT: GATE CHANGE

Ok who's effing with me and my broken luggage? Ok so lemme trek to G6 now. I'm settled now... there's a nice lady sitting next to me and then someone else decides to take the open seat on the other side. The waiting area is the size of my bedroom cuz i'm on that good ole American Eagle to Rock Town. But this lady smells like dogs . Yall know my stomach is sensitive. PUHLEEZ don't let this be my seat mate.

Is this man wearing a tweed suit jacket, a t-shirt, and khaki cargo shorts? Where does the suit jacket (not blazer) come in? AT ALL?

Someone please come get your uncle with the see-thru striped shirt on ...and the visible wife beater. I bet he goin to little rock.

Booo to being in the "little plane" terminal and not having many dining options. That's ok though..I'll make it up starting with catfish city...or some fried mushrooms from Dixie cafe...or a cheeseburger...or some Sim's...maybe mexico chiquito.pause. they got a terrible sanitation review. And where are the electrical outlets!!!!

Ok...i'm gonna end this now...wish I had a video of me struggling to get through the airport...but you'll have to settle for my words.

Happy Hump Day

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