WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Looks good...but not on me?

Have you ever just found the "right" shoe. I mean...it was great from the moment you looked it. It even looked comfortable. In fact, it's like everything that you've been looking for in a shoe. We'll maybe one of the stitches is off or its a display shoe and the last pair so it has a little wear on the bottom from people trying it on, but other than those little things that only you notice its pretty much IT. Then you put it on and....it's comfortable too. OHH a plus. A hot AND comfortable shoe, but then you look in the mirror and the FABULOUS shoe is somehow just -eh- on you. Not that the shoe itself isn't great, but you know, it just isn't what you imagined it would look like on you. Dare I say...you don't do the shoe justice? Sometimes you can see a shoe that is FAB on someone else or on a mannequin but when you put it on its just-blah. Not "boring" but just blah....

So do you buy it and hope it will grow on you...or leave it in the store for someone else to have a shot at fabulosity?

1 comment:

  1. Is this the exact shoe you're talking about??

    Ummm I did actually do this a while back. I did notice a wear and tear on the bottom, but that resulted in a discount so...

    Anywho, the shoe is super fab and it is comfortable. You can tell the difference between cheap shoes and well made shoes. However, they have betrayed me. They don't work well on carpet and caused me to fall down the stairs as I was on my way out. (my worst fear lived out TWICE)...But I love them anyway!!
