I thought I'd share a few of my favorites from my book in the days leading up to my birthday. It'll give you a chance to know me more...as well as those things that I know for sure.
With the exception of numbers 1-4 in the book there is no real order to any of the other things. They are random...a lot like me... So I will share #1 with you today because it is how I started the book and it is definitely one of the most important things that I've come to know

1. God Loves Me
Now love is one of those funny things. It can't be easily defined by a few set of words or actions. It just-is. Some of us know it when we see and and others of us define it by what it is not. For me...it's something that I know when I see it or know when I feel it. I know that God loves me because I can point to times that my actual prayers have been answered. Those secret prayers that no one knew about but me, He heard and answered. (this isn't to say that unanswered prayers suggest that God doesn't love, because I know that the things we go through are to build us and challenge us in our lives). I know that God loves me because I can point to times where my life could have ended but was spared with little or no harm at all..and those are just the times I know about. Who knows how many times our lives have been spared because we took an alternate root, or someone swerved just in time, or we payed attention to that little voice telling us not to do something. I know God loves me because he has continuously placed me in places where I can be nurtured and grow spiritually. In every place I've lived, I have been drawn to a church where my spirit is edified and I am pushed to grow closer to Him. Finally, I know that God loves me, because he has surrounded me with so many people at love me without condition, pray for me, care for me, support me, criticize me (constructively), challenge me to be a better person, encourage me, and pour into me. I can not fathom what it must be like to be a person that does not like people, or one who doesn't have friends, or a strong family bond. I am thankful that God chooses to use people to show His love for me.
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