WHAT did she say?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I AM REALLY HUMAN! Today while making a quick stop in the mall, I notice my undergarments sliding off my hips. I was thinking 'Not Now', I just walked in the mall. Instead of taking the escalators, I decided to take the elevators (to do a quick fix). However, there were people getting on with me. So I make it to my destination and get distracted by all the New Fall Product. At this time my under garments are still chillin right under my hips. All of a sudden I run to an employee and say, "Do you have cameras over here?" She looks at me strange and says, "Yes." I say, " I am so embarrassed, but I need to fix my undergarments." She says, "There are the fitting rooms." Pointing across the store. I say, "I can't make it that far!" She says, "Let's go over here." Taking me in between the middle of two different departments. "Do what you got to do....you better hurry." I say, "ok" I pull my undies up and my skirt down and say, "there". I thank the associate and run to the fitting rooms. I had to rig my GAP no line undies. When I got home they had to be thrown away. FYI, they were not to big and not to small. I promise I never had this problem with them before. But this only reminded me "That I'm only human!"

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