This looks fun, let's go to Sydney!
This year has been AH-Mazing. I learned so much about me, the world I live in, and the people around me. I've watched God move in my life in ways that only He could. I budgeted and went on a spending fast. I partied. I fell in love (with margaritas and patio dining). I got my dad back. I got a new job. Other folks around me got jobs. I conquered fears. I took adventures. I told strangers my secrets. My friendships grew stronger. I let some folks find themselves out of my life (it's always important to purge). I lived. I laughed. I cried. I got angry. I got happy. I got peace! 2010 was really good to me even when it hurt. Growing pains are uncomfortable but its a part of the process and once you get through it, you realize their worth.
I told you last year that I don't make resolutions, because I try to be a better person in some way each day. In a conversation the other day someone brought up a great point. We all want an all or nothing, quick fix to whatever we want to improve about ourselves. We say we want to lose weight- so a few pounds won't do-we want to be skinTy. And when that doesn't necessarily happen instantly, we are disappointed and revert back to whatever. So instead, if you are going to set some goals for the minute, day, year- make it something manageable. If you want to be less selfish for instance. Make it a point to do something for someone else once a *insert increment of time*. No you won't be perfect, but that is something that is achievable and you will be better for it.
I'll end with my wishes for all of our followers (active and lurkers) today, tomorrow, and forever:
1) Live for you not to be interpreted as being selfish .
I truly believe that it is damn near impossible to be completely happy if you are constantly living for someone else. Follow YOUR dreams, love YOUR love, walk YOUR path. Of course, this is easier said than done. We all have the weight of others' expectations on us. This isn't to say that this is not healthy. Truthfully-where would some of us be without those expectations. BUT there has to be a moment when you let some of those expectations fall to the side. You are ultimately responsible for the choices you make. You've got to do what works for you, those that love you won't mind.
2) Ignore the deficit.
The US is, you should to. In fact, it's probably just imaginary anyway.
3) Let Go!
So many of us need to have control over everything in our lives. Myself included my apologies to anyone who has tried to surprise me in the past . Let go. Live in the moment and just breathe. This has been so great for me. The last few months, I've just kind of let things (in certain aspects of my life) just happen. No micromanaging every detail, just going with it. Try it- it works baby, it works.
4) Live in the moment.
Someone asked me how my day was going. I said, it's almost Friday! (which is probably my usual Thursday response). They said, "what is the point of today if you are always looking for tomorrow." Hot DAMN! That was a good point. We are always looking for the next thing, planning the next move, daydreaming about things to come. We are so into the future that we are missing the now. This certainly applies to dating too. Women meet a guy and by the end of their first conversation-she's got the wedding season, colors, and location picked out. WHOA NOW! Hold on one minute. The man said "hi". Stay in that moment for a while. Life gives us so many different experiences everyday, let's try to enjoy them.
5) Lose the fears.
Start with yourself. Have some face time with you. Figure yourself out. Find out what your fears are. For some it may be the dark, for others it may be loneliness or fear of failure. Whatever it is, figure them out. Make a point to address them. We are limited by our fears and it stunts our growth if we don't make a conscious decision to skirt them. Of course there won't be an instant overcoming, but working on it a little at a time chips away at the problem and eventually you'll have control over it. Be adventurous. Do things you've never done before. Thrown (some) caution to the wind!
Ok there are so many more things I wish for you but mostly (and I recognize it's cliche') I wish love upon alllll of you. Love for yourself and others. Gotta start with you. But love for others is equally as important. Not just romantic love either. Like genuine love for other people that makes you want to be and do better. I don't understand how people can be so consumed with their own affairs that they are oblivious to the suffering of others or are too selfish to do something to make a difference. Take a moment (or a thousand) and do something that doesn't directly benefit you for a change.
Happy New Year To All of You!
All my love,
Little Ms. Living Out Loud
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