WHAT did she say?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Where shall I start....

I will begin with I have my MASETRS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION!!!!! Yes I have neglected the 25project, but it was for the hard work I dedicated to be a public administator. Plus I joined twitter (@illlovu2morrow) and exposed a lot of thoughts on there causing the 25 project to get knocked off my list :(, but I'm back now and twitter is getting pushed to the side.

Soon as the ceremony for MPA took place, I moved to CALI!!!! Where my heart never left, yep born and raised here back in love with beaches and fruit! I was ready to capture my dream of fashion and out of NY, ATL, and CA, I had no choice, but to turn where home was as a lil girl....CA. Oh did I mention I cut all my hair off and of course 2 months later I am craving my hair to be down my back again. I know it will come back just not over night *sigh.* Life continued to take place while the good was happening.

That guy that I let have a piece of my heart aka Mr. Big, yep. Was nothing but a Mr. Big Liar! But hey life lesson learned, listen to my woman's intuition, aka gut feeling. I made a pledge I will not mess up on the next go around. I repeat I will not mess it up on the next go around. (Next post put a time limit on being friends).

I moved to Cali with no job, but an education (which I am still craving more of). HA not a #failed but #winning since I wake in the mornings go for a 2 mile run at the beach then off to San Fran, LA, San Jose, or even a 20min drive to Carmel (a city where u can get cited for wearing high heels!). Oh so I never thought I would be told u are overqualified, Im like how so when I haven't done anything :/ Who knew working in retail as a manager required nothing but retail experience with no education but a HS Diploma! Im just enjoying my time off and ask God every morning I want what u want for me.

So never did I say goodbye to the 25project, but I do want to say hello again. Cant wait to share another chapter or a shall I say a new book of my life. So sit back, buckle up, and grab a martini with sugar on the rim ;).

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