This is important to me because I’m talking to you; yes you, the reader about it. I never been the type to have my wedding ceremony and wedding dress all planned before meeting Mr.Right. I just know, I want my significant other to have a say in our ceremony. Same goes for deciding on bearing kids. I used to feel obligated to have a few kiddies, especially since I am my mother’s only daughter. I got pass that because I realized, I would be the one to take care of the kiddies and not my mother.
However, my mother has been blessed with three beautiful intelligent grandkids, by my oldest brother and wife. Just a few weeks ago my youngest brother announced he and his girlfriend, of seven years, were having a baby! Yes my jolly, youngest, big brother is having a baby, not literally, but you know what I mean. I am so happy as if I announced I am carrying a child.
It’s lovely to be an aunt for the fourth time. Now I need to attend to my auntie duties of pondering the style of the baby or babies to come.
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