WHAT did she say?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reunited And It Feels So Good

We were introduced to one another a couple years back. I, then a graduate student in Philly, had just purchased two pairs of boots after realizing that my "open toe shoe game" was NOT going to get me through the Philly winter as I lived in the middle of the city and walked pretty much everywhere. So I saw her, but used my better judgement and bought two other pairs, leaving this beauty there. For two years this decision would haunt me and the patent-leather princess would have a soft spot in my heart.

Oh but thanks to the wonderful internet, we've been reunited and I just got her in the mail yesterday! Ok, yes, I obsess over shoes sometime and in this case I'm being extremely dramatiK, but you have to understand, this shoe is awesome.Besides the fact that its patent leather which I love, it's got the subtle "SHAPOW" factor with the cheetah printed heel. It'll surely command attention!

I mentioned that there was a list of shoes "lacking" from my closet. I needed a black patent leather situation really bad. Remembering my love for this shoe, I hit the e-streez and found them! My quota for sexy black heels has now been met (I copped another pair in Florida the other day because it was such a good deal). I'm finito with the black shoe game for a minute. Now about that red shoe I'm longing for....

In other news, my intense appreciation for a mean shoe game has led me to start another blog which will be launching very soon. Stay tuned for "Clothing Optional, Shoes Required".

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