WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blogging is the new Black...or 25...or whatever

As we grow and change and journey towards self improvement, it is necessary to take inventory of those things closest to us and to make goals or little mental notes of things to change and what have you. As I am moving towards the big 2-5, I've continued to do the things that I've done before (reflecting, re-evaluating, and purging of relationships and situations) BUT some things have changed. I've added restructuring to that list of things too. And my purges...well I think I've gotten most of those done for a while, but there are a few that have been dismissed. All of these tools help me to examine myself and my relationships and determine if they are aligned with the path that I should be on. If not...then improvements must be made and if so...well then I've done something right.

So how does this all relate to "The 25 Project"? Well I've been discussing a lot with one of my closest friends (you'll meet her later). We are getting older and its just time to do somethings differently. This blog is one of those things. Now, let me warn you, it will likely be a hodge podge of random posts, but it reflects the things that go on in our lives..what we think about..what moves we are making..etc.

Why is it called "The 25 Project"?
These are new experiences in life. We are trying new things, conquering old fears and making major changes in our own lives. There's no completion or finite ending, but its a continual "work in progress" that gets better and more beautiful with time. The great thing is that you get to journey along with us as we work on ourselves, conversing with one another in a public setting and leaving us open to the opinions of the world...but being bold enough to do it anyway!

And with no further a'do....let it begin...

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