WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Life Is What I Make It........

With that being said.....where shall I start? There is so much to say, but I am wondering do I want to share with the world, when I am so private. But I guess thats the best part, I am not perfect (even though I strive for perfection EVERYDAY). So if someone gets offended I cant help what I feel. Plus I have always done everything so right. I am now at the point to make some mistakes and learn from them. I have always taken responsibility for my actions, everything i do. But i am ready to live for ME! Lets talk relationships, cocktails, shopping, and Jesus!(Not in that order:)

1 comment:

  1. You're like a bird. Full feathered on a windy day, learning to fly for the first time.
