WHAT did she say?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions...

...are pointless. How often to people make resolutions that they NEVER KEEP? Instead, I've opted to continue to work on myself daily, making changes where needed.

I've noticed a "season" change in some areas of my life within the last week or two. Looking both inside and out, I've noticed some areas that need improvement. With everyone around me turning 25, I've realized (finally) that we are getting older. Now I know we all had some vision of where we should be at this point in life. You've heard the saying "If you want to see God laugh, tell Him your plan", right? My plan didn't look anything like my current life...but I truly believe that God has a purpose behind everything and I have received each experience as a gift and a lesson in growth and faith. With that mindset, I can't look at where I wanted to be and be upset that the current picture is totally different, instead I wrap my arms around my "right now" and continue to move in the direction that He takes me. One of the things that I appreciate the most about being on a path with God is the seasons that I grow through. It might be uncomfortable when I'm in it, but in the end the amount of clarity that I've gained is great. The most uncomfortable of these are usually my relationships with other people. Relationships grow up and grow-out and that can sometimes be uncomfortable. But recognizing this has led me to RE-EVALUATE these relationships and how I approach them. Another uncomfortable aspect of "season" changing is realizing the things that are keeping you from your blessings. For me, I know that the way I handle my finances is a major hinderance to reaching my wealthy place. Knowing this has led me to RE-STRUCTURING my view of money and the way I use/MISuse it. Finally, the great thing about moving into a new season in your life shows you that some of the things from the previous season are no longer needed. Some relationships are for a season and when that season has ended it means letting go. This is not an easy feat. And as much as I love PURGING, removing people from your life is not the easiest thing. But, just as you clean out your home or closet of things that you no longer use, are too tight (constraining), or are old, it is necessary for some relationships you have with others. Well these same things apply to relationships that are unkept, constraining, or old and potentially toxic. It's not healthy to keep some people in your life. I am learning to let some relationships go in order for me to grow.

To sum it all up...I don't make NYE resolutions but I do make changes in my life. I will elaborate on each of these as we continue our journey together. I think my favorite right now is the RE-STRUCTURING of my finances (will definitely be the next post).

Happy New Year (almost)! Take the time to give thanks to Him for your life and all of its moments (big or small, happy or sad). Until next year....

1 comment:

  1. Im at an interesting phase in my life in regards to the friendships that I've somehow cherished for so long...At the moment, i don't have any friends. Ive heard that it's just a man thing, but as a human, im pretty sure that im going to need some people in my life that i can trust and confide in as i grow into the Man i want to be. People need people. However, I am learning a LOT about myself and experiencing growth in areas of my life i thought were fully developed. (Au contraire!)I am increasingly self-reliant, self-motivated, and self-confident. all from a little self-reflection. Realizing that I am made up of me and only me is a big step in putting the building blocks of me in the right places. I am not made of you, whoever "you" may be. Its interesting how I used to think life is just complicated. The complications arose when I was trying to keep friendships afloat that had clearly crashed and burned and sunk to the depths of the underworld a while back. I am not a salvage expert. Some things aren't meant to be together forever, or even a little while, no matter how appealing it may be from an objective POV. It takes a certain maturity to realize it, learn from it, and continue to grow after it. Get in where you fit in is the moral of the story i suppose. A rhombus wont fit into a square hole not matter how you look at it. But as i was saying earlier, Im focused on me right now. Shaping myself up so i know exactly where and how i fit into this big wide world. Im not 25 yet, but i hope to be one day, and in a better situation than im in right now. Mentally, Socially, Spiritually, and Physically. that is all...
