WHAT did she say?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good Word: 8 Spirits to Avoid during Singleness and 5 Developmental Stages of Singleness by Pastor Isaac Pitre

My roommate introduced me to Isaac Pitre when she told me to listen to a series that he had done titled The Kingdom, Power, and the Glory. I haven't finished listening to the fourth sermon of that series but it is definitely a message to make you think and re-consider some things. When I went to iTunes to download the messages I saw two others about singleness so I decided to download them as well.

I listened to both of them yesterday. I think 20 minutes in...I emailed you and told you that you HAD to hear it! It was so relevant to EVERYthing that we have been talking about. Much of it really make me think about my thinking, words, actions...all of that. What Pastor Pitre says about singleness is that it is a time of development and maturing. This isn't new. Its the way that we (any many other people) view this time in our lives.

We laugh everyday about how we don't know who actually reads our blog but I think we both agree that these messages were worth sharing. If your single (cue the Youtube of "If You're Not Married, You're Single") then take a listen. Both messages can be found on iTunes under Isaac Pitre Ministries or online at www.isaacpitre.org.

Challenge yourself to look at the single life from a kingdom perspective. Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo glad you listened! I've always been cautious about who I share things with but this just proves I need to start sharing more and not think so much about if they will take heed or not. I have another one to share with you titled "Season of Singleness" its POWERFUL!
