WHAT did she say?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

No More Sugar On the Rim
I told you I was going to stop babysitting the sugar on my martini glass rim! Well the grocery store guy sent a text : "so I'm guessing u don't wanna talk to me huh?"

I debated on responding nicely then my partner in crime reminded me 'no more sugar.' I respond, "well when you lied to me that was a turn off." Of course he says what I lie about, I tell him what he lied about, then he says what did i tell you. NEGRO I'M ASKING THE QUESTIONS!

He sends a text explaining himself then calls me. My spirits are saying 'Don't go any farther w/ this guy." Sorry this story didn't end happily ever after :)

By the way I have something I really like in my back pocket, like a Mr.Good Bar!

1 comment:

  1. Are you saying no more sugar on the rim as a metaphor for being more brunt and truthful in social situations. If that is the case, the know that iFeel you. I'm seldom accused of being overly nice with my words or tone, but I often feel as if the reactions that I receive are less than satisfactory because someone took it too lightly. I think that going forward I'll ratchet up the truth serum a taste as well. I hope that I don't lose friends/acquaintences in the meantime. (but to be honest, I'm sure that I'll survive).
