WHAT did she say?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is your priority?
I have concluded to rearrange my priorities. I have always made my first priority God. Therefore everything followed #2, #3, #4, etc. life was manageable. However as soon as I put God #2 or maybe #4 on my list, life has became haywire! I started to focus more on myself, instead of denying myself and allowing God to take my hand daily. I am a happy go lucky person; all this unnecessary thinking of how to do right by life is not like me. Doing right just falls into place for me (I hope this isn’t that perfect person typing:). Of course I am not perfect, but I do love my life and appreciate God loves me even when my pride of trying to be perfect get in the way or when I do/say something I realize was down out wrong.

Blogging to the world before I spent time with God had to come to an end! I have put so much communication in getting to know him not bc of what he does for me, but for who he is! King of Kings Lord of Lords, I don’t know about you but I know MY GOD deserve ALL MY PRAISE AND WORSHIP! Once you develop a personal relationship with our heavenly father, he will start working on your faults. Its never easy I must admit, but the benefit is AWESOME!

That is why I have given my shopping problem and my perfectionist problem to my father b/c he knows what is best for me! I mean he created me he knows what my heart desires; he knows what my needs are. It’s like a mechanic that builds a car. That mechanic knows everything about that car, more than the car knows about itself. I blog to tell you no more complaining about my issues, however I will update you on how God WILL change something’s around for me along with the funny encounters I have w/ people. I know that I know that I know, whatever I ask it’s already done as long as it’s in my father’s will!

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