WHAT did she say?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Roommate Talk

Last night my roommate and I discussed several things. Among those was the situation in Haiti, the responses, the comments being made, etc. Now, both of us are Christian and believe in the Bible as the living word. So let me just put that out there so that you can know where I am coming from.

Apparently, Pat Roberson made a reference to Haiti selling their souls to the devil and this having something to do with what they are currently experiencing as a result of the earthquakes. Now....none of us were around when this may or may not have happened. What we do know is that there are some that practice voodoo in that area but as a nation, there is a great number of people that practice Catholicism. Aside from that...there are people in America that practice voodoo, devil worship, and all sorts of other things so if this is what is happening to Haiti as a result of those things, Mr. Roberson, then what is to come of the America where we live?

As our conversation progressed to talk about a number of things...my roommate reminded me of a few verses in Luke (specifically Luke 21:10-12). Here Jesus talks about end times and what is to come. He mentions earthquakes, famine, wars, etc. He mentions the things that we are seeing. My roommate was talking about how people see her as not being compassionate enough about the situation in Haiti but she views it as His word coming to pass. No, she's not anti-compassionate, but she recognizes it for what it is from a spiritual perspective. And that is a reasonable stance to take for someone who believes in the word. It was also a perspective that I hadn't immediately even thought of, but was interesting as I continued to ponder it.

To me, the US is super concerned about Haiti because there is nothing as big going on in the news right now. The ability to run to the aid of another nation but will run swiftly from the people in our own nation who need help each and every day (I know this partially has to do with the shift in who's in office). Don't get me wrong, I do feel for those people who have lost their lives as they know it, their actual lives, and their friends and family. I continue to pray that God works through the people that have been sent to help and I sincerely hope that one day this nation can be restored so that its people can have their lives back. But I can't help but send a little side eye to some people who are making this their cause simply because its what's going on right now (read: as soon as something else major happens...they're on to the next). To those that are sincere, I know their efforts are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree...in a month (or possibly less) this will be old news. Sad but true. And am I the only one who doesn't remember the government, other countries, celebs, news, tv, radio, media, blogs,and the general public NOT being so willing to help for the victims of Katrina????
