WHAT did she say?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Things that make me go hmmm...

So I am reading the Washington Post's article

"Secret Services confirms report of "third crasher" at White House state dinner" and I can't help thinking W.T.F.????

I'm failing to understand why the security around our new President is so lax. Additionally, why security in general is seemingly lax enough for terrorists afar to see it as a window of opportunity to act. I know that the election of President Obama was historical...and was not supported by many. I'm not blind to the fact that many people would like to see him fail and make an effort to blame him at any given opportunity (cough cough HATER CHENEY), but I am perturbed at the very fact that we actually have to have conversations surrounding the respect that our President is given. Recently I've viewed national television shows where the term "President" hasn't preceded Barack Obama's name, he's simply referred to as some average Joe or like he's my patna nem. That coupled with the fact that people (now a third) can just roll into a function and make it through security puzzles me.

I want President Obama to do well. I support much (not all) of what he is doing. I'm sad for the America that we live in that can not put differences aside and give common courtesy and respect to someone who has worked to earn a worthy title.

Maybe one day...

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