WHAT did she say?

Monday, February 1, 2010

First Date Prayers

So J-Full commented on the Gas Station Date story and didn't understand the issue with blessing the food.

It's not so much the blessing, I am happy to see a man pray over his food before consuming it-not be in a rush to dive right in, to thank the creator for the food, and to pray that it is cleansed and healthy. The thing that we laugh about is that guys (at least the one's that we've gone out with so far) don't really ask if we mind them blessing our food. Truthfully, I don't mind. If we have gotten to the point of going to dinner or lunch or whatever..chances are we've talked about our beliefs to some extent. *Sidenote: I'm just not too interested in wasting peoples time (or mine) at this point so many tidbits of information are shared early on* So yeah, I'm good with you wanting to bless the food. The un-comfortable or strange or interesting part is when you just grab my hands and go in on prayer or see me (or ILYT) bow our heads to pray silently and you start praying loud like you've got a megaphone on.

Is it too much to ask for a guy to just say..."do you mind if I bless the food"?

BTW I died all over again from laughter when I read the post. Dude, the chips and salsa are free!

1 comment:

  1. Upon second thought I think I always ask before I say grace especially if it's a first date. I'm such a gentleman that I do it unconsciously #modesty
