WHAT did she say?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is HE Your Only ONE?
As I was driving to work this morning I was listening to How Deeply I Need You by Shekinah Glory Ministry. The chorus states ... You are my only one! WOW!! It's nice to be someones only one! I have given my life to God, once again. For he is my creature, he deserves all my worship. I need him in my decision making, I need him in my daily conversations, I need him in my finances (which I haven't shopped in a MONTH!), I need him! If we really meditate on the words:
How deeply I need you... like the desert needs the rain
I need you like the ocean needs the stream
I need you like the morning needs the sun
You are my only one.....
Think about it, you are my only one! If you are my only one that means I need you, God doesn't need my help I need his help!
MY GOD, I'M SO BLESSED! I don't even deserve chance after chance, but I wake up living my life in overflow. Sometimes we wonder why things aren't going the way we want them to go in our life. I dare you, YES YOU, to get personable with God, I promise you will be attached.

Words are so REAL!

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