Fast forward to 9:30. I find Jaz parked on the street. Between the two of us we have $1.40 in coins for street parking. Half of which Jaz panhandled from the generous citizens of DC. OH but there's free parking across the street...so we decide to switch sides only it looked like Fail #1 as we pulled up-backed back-pulled up again...genuinely a bad parking job. Once that's taken care of we walk over to Shadow Room and are met by the bouncer...oh we don't open until 10. WTF (as we look at each other)! The bouncer continues to play our lives for being there like almost 30 minutes early. Fail #2 Its cold so we go get food and return later only for "Dave and Ray" to try to charge us $20 to get in! WWWWWWHAT? No, that's not happening...I suggested that we keep it moving to The Park and suddenly Dave's "not trippin" so we can go it. Now I will just finish with a recap of my stream of consciousness from last night....
- Oh this looks like a high school dance...girls in one group, guys on another
- WAIT! Is this the WHOLE thing...? This one room?
- Why is it SO cold in here? Seriously...these men are even keeping hat, gloves, coat, and scarf on!
- WHOOO is buying at bottle at 10:00? And now the bottle must sit there for another 1.5 hours 'til people come in so they can know you bought a bottle
- Oh...that woman is ghetto...and that man is old -great
- This is SUCH a strange mix of people
Eventually (11:30) more people come in..the crowd gets a little more diversified....
- Did this guy just ask us for an invite the next time we decide to go out?
- Why is he unsure about what city he lives in and is his friend's name Artie?
- Why is Artie's mustache sooo creepy? And why does he keep looking at me like that.
- OK lets DRINK...
- Interception from old guys who tell us that they were planning to talk to us...and they WILL talk to us later tonight (insert puzzled face here)
- OK why are those guys following us around the room? Don't make eye contact.
- Oh look someone's in the bigger VIP. J: There's nothing but ____s up there. Me: Oh no..there's b_____s too!
- Wait why are we among the tallest people in the room? (less of a problem for Jaz, she's used to it, but ummm I'm only 5'5)
- Oh Dwight Howard's baby momma is here SMH .
- Ha..there's "Mr. Bow-tie Thursdays"
- How are the three of you roommates?
- I get it..you're a model/actor. I actually got it the first twelve times you said it, I just wasn't impressed. And a kappa too...thats great...where are you from again? Yea and your checking your email because they are notifying you of casting calls...are you going RIGHT NOW?
- Yes...you were caking with that guy...I agree with Mr. Bow-tie Thursdays
- This guy likes the "Shots" song too. Where the shots at? He says "thats only at McFaddens"
- What's a goon to a goblin? According to Jaz (a self-proclaimed goon) goblins are the short guys walking around the club.
- I'm neither, Jaz is a goon, and Lil Wayne looks like both
Conclusion...the Shadow Room is definitely a "different" crowd. Night was fun and now we know what to expect.
lmao @ the commentary. it is so racine esq