Where do I start?
So the gas station guy....
I don't know what to say except... this was the first time I went to dinner and felt I had to be caution of what I ordered. I mention in the last blog, I normally expect to pay and have the $ to pay for my meal and he's. However when the bill came he pulled his card out and payed. Anyways he ate one taco and claimed he was full, so before calling his mom (YES HE CALLED HIS MOM AT DINNER) he says I will take this ( referring to the tacos) to my mom. But I thought it was a little strange that he called his mom to ask what she wanted to eat for dinner? When he got off the phone he says "she so simple, she wants chips and salsa". I was thinking its FREE. (I wish you can see my facial expression!) He continue to talk about staying with his mom bc she WAS sick. Along with trying to save and trying to get his life together. So which one is it or what is the real problem. He looks like he is 36 no older than 37, but he says he is 32, I bet I should ask his age again bc I prob. get another answer.
I talked the whole time about my personal realationship with God, my eating habits, blah blah blah..... I really dont know much about him except he wants to get his life together at '32.'
The vibe at dinner was different and not a good different. I had an experience before where a guy grabbed my hand and started to pray as I bowed my head. Let me tell you very strange, you would def. have to be there to see my WHAT THE %^&$ facial expression. I like to pray over my own food (if its my first time eating with you) and I dont like to touch in agree with some random guy! I mean this is just dinner not dinner and marriage.
Anyway gas station guy started to pray a loud as I bowed my head. I mean can a guy just ask me, "Do you mind if I bless the food?"
Oh yeah the little boy that is in the attached text was his nephew.The reason he didnt respond to the question about the little boy was bc he didnt receive the text till 3 days later. I will just blame that on Sprint, I guess.
lol this is hilarious. But i don't understand why you were so offended by the blessing the food thing.