WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Give blood..give life

I remember in high school when everyone would give blood and I always wanted to but I didn't meet the weight requirement. So I never actually gave blood until-TODAY! I meant to give on Saturday actually at the Health Expo at my church but I got really busy with other things that day, so when my co-worker (another first timer) mentioned going today I said...hellz yeah!

We walked over and I saw the snack tables (which was part of my motivation for going) and then the lady told us that we get a free lunch ticket since we came as buddies. This was shaping up to be a win. I answered all the questions and since I haven't had sex with someone in exchange for drugs or money since 1977....I was good to go.

Until I walked over the the blood giving bay and it looked like a sight out of one of those war movies when all of the soldiers are on cots hanging on for dear life. This one chick legitimately looked like she was goin' towards the light so I got a little nervous at the sight of her and all the the bump'or'curl do's handling the blood. To my surprise everything went smoothly though....well except for that JUMBO STRAW sized needle that they put in my arm which hurt throughout the entire process. But I gave my baggie of blood and tried not to freak out at the ghostly looking fellow who's experience wasn't so good. I got my cookies and chips and bounced.

So what did YOU do for someone else today?


  1. ...and since I haven't had sex with someone in exchange for drugs or money since 1977....I was good to go.

    This one chick legitimately looked like she was goin' towards the light so I got a little nervous at the sight of her and all the the bump'or'curl do's handling the blood.


    What's the weight requirement? I still don't think I make it....

  2. I think its 110...that's what I remember from High School and since I KNEW that I have well surpassed that...I didn't bother to ask lol
