WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I take it all back (literally)

I was really excited about the Steve Madden "Swirly" that I bought last week. I even paired them with a cute wrap dress for work the next day. All was well in the universe, but because they are made from plastic...they began to stretch. So I decided that I would return them for a whole size smaller (since they don't come in halves which would accommodate my true size). Two stores later, I've got the smaller size. I thought since they were a bit tight, I'd break them in while wearing them to work on Saturday. I figured that I'd be standing most of the time and that would give them the opportunity to stretch. WRONG. My feet were in those shoes like a caged bird waiting to be freed. Needless to say...I had to take those babies back.

Moral of the story: Swirly is a cute shoe if you truly wear a whole size.

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