Let's challenge ourselves to move past being complainers. No, this won't be an easy feat. It's so easy to complain. Complaining helps us create excuses for our own shortcomings or wrong doings. Complaining helps us place blame everywhere but on us. And complaining allows us to ignore that big arse log in our own eyes, to focus on the speck of dust in someone else's.
The reality for most of us (me, you, and a lot of you reading this) is that we have great lives. No, not perfect as perfection is something that is strived for but is rarely (if ever) attained. We have beautiful lives. We have great friends, awesome family (blood and no blood relation), we have jobs (they may not be our ideal career but they meet our needs), we have food (most of us eat good), we have clothes (check your label). We have really beautiful lives.
My challenge to myself (and you too) is to try to cut down on complaining. I'm not saying never complain because I don't think that is realistic, but let's try to do it less. Become conscious of when you are complaining. For some of us it is second nature, so we don't even realize when we are doing it. Let's become aware of the things we say. After all, there is power in words.
Let's see if we can make it a "complaint free" day, k?
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