CBC week is apparently a big deal for the black and bougie in
America. While the Congressional Black Caucus hosts its Annual Legislative Conference every year, auxiliary groups from everywhere use this time to host a number of receptions and events in
Washington for the black and bougie-young and old.
I didn’t attend CBC week events last year due to homecoming, but I decided to see what all the hype was about this year.
I started on Wednesday at the Capital Cause event at the Midtown Lofts. Capital Cause is a great organization that engages young professional in the city through service and investment. The event honored four people. As always, it was well planned and attended. My 27 is a part of this organization so I try to make it out to support when I can. I got there, said my hellos with familiar faces, endured a few awkward moments..and then I spotted a girl across the room drinking a corona. JAZ! Anyway…we spent the rest of the night engaging in conversation, laughing, and having sushi…but before we left we met…Jamal- this “athletic” looking fellow. I’m not sure what was going on with my ears, but I thought he said his name was Tupac. So his idea of networking was putting us on an email list for parties that he hosts in Maryland. .:side-eye:. At one point he asked me if I watched HBO’s Hung…but there was no follow up to that…so I was pretty much just confused. We left and had sushi with friends.
Last night I attended two receptions with Miss Mistress-IMPACT DC’s reception at the Ritz-Carlton and the NPHC reception in Union Station. Sooo many funny. My observations:
DC is the size of a chevy chevette. In other words, its super small. So all of the people that I saw Wednesday…were at the IMPACT reception.
The event set-up was nice. There were photo ops, an open bar, and food. For the most part, the suit, shirt, and tie combinations were on point and most of the ladies brought their young professional game. BUT-to the brotha in the velvet suit-it’s not time yet. And to you miss, with the freak’um dress on. Why is your red bra showing? This is an after work event. Geesh!
I understand that everyone wasn’t fortunate enough to get braces earlier in life. I also appreciate the effort to get your mouth-game right that’s what she said , BUT at this age it is more appropriate to either (a) opt for clear braces or (b) see if they can arrange an invisalign situation. The metal mouths were in full effect last night. I don’t think I have ever seen so many adult men with braces in one room.
Question. Is there a secret cult of short men? I people watch. It’s just what I do. What I noticed last night was that all of the guys under 5’5 were happy to see one another and wasted no time making sure they greeted their comrades. It’s kind of sweet I guess.
Seriously though, the IMPACT event was really nice. I appreciate the open bar since I believe that cash bars are of the devil .
We headed over to the NPHC reception next and that was a totally different experience. In general the crowd was a little older. It was attended by NPHC national officers, organization heads, and a sea of greek letter organization members.
There was so much to see. From the old sigma with the cornrows and nappy neck hair, to the Iotas wearing brown suits (FYI black men-brown, the actual color brown, does not look good on you. Opt for a tan or beige, but chocolate on chocolate just makes you look like poo), to the girl who was well put together until she effed it up with those work wedges.
After getting some of the food because Miss Mistress was making demands on getting to the food table first , we decided to situate ourselves in one space. We ended up in a sea of PBS. They all looked to be having a good time. One of their brothers even showed up with a sheet cake to celebrate-something. I’m not really sure why they decided having a birthday party in a corner for someone was a fantastical idea-but I guess..JPG)
My favorite sigma of the night aside from the old man with the braids, sigma blue dress shirt, and turquoise pocket square was Congressman John Lewis. This brotha was SO over the event and the iPhone pics. I swear if he could just be real for a moment, he would have said…if y’all don’t stop handing off your cell phone for someone to photo me and you! My favorite was the guy who showed up to the reception in jean shorts, a white polo, and a hat and was determined to get his photo with the Congressman.
I met an Iota last night. Actually I apparently met him at IMPACT…but I’d forgotten. Anyway he was absolutely hilarious. He’s only the third Iota that I’ve met in life but it was indeed a pleasure.
Later in the night Mistress points out the woman who saw fit to have herself immortalized in the form of a wax statue. Oh Soror Barbara McKenzie was lighting up the room in her flashdance gear.
Which brings me to the shirt/tie combinations for this event. I’ll give it a big-NOPE. I’m fine with all of those that decided to wear their fraternal colors or official tie. Do you. But to those of you who have no women in your life…come without the tie next time. Yes you can mix a pattern and a plaid, but there is an art to it.
Update: How can I forget Mr. Aggressive from last night? I was talking to some people that I know and there was a familiar face with them. I asked the guy I knew...If I knew the other guy (while simultaneously asking the guy if I knew him from somewhere) and ole boy is like..."YEAH. We met before. You came at me wrong." He then preceded to tell me how we met when he was talking to my linesister and I asked her "who is his man". I remember saying it. No it wasn't rude. It was more like who's this guy, I haven't met him. Well Mr. Aggressive informed me last night, that when I said that (over a year ago) it reminded him of his ex and how her friends used to say "who the eff is this n*". I proceeded to ask him if he had been in an abusive relationship because words shouldn't hurt that much. He kept talking and I stopped listening. Then his friend informed me that he was crazy. Guess that solves that.
This event had a cash bar-even for water. So it lost lots of points for that alone. The music was good, however, and the folks looked to be having a good time. I think my favorite moment of the night was the DC city cop who probably wondered why we were screaming on our walk back to the car-there was a DC rat commandeering the sidewalk.
I’m not sure what’s on the agenda for the rest of the weekend. Well other than visiting the farm tomorrow but I’m sure there are more fun(ny) times ahead.
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