It's Sunday, September 26th and something is slated to happen at a large church in Atlanta. A few hundred miles away, at another church, a similar message may
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know what I am talking about (larger scale). Today Eddie Long is expected to address the sexual abuse accusations made against him by some young men in his congregation. After a whirlwind of pointed fingers, leaked pictures, and stories of abuse, the leader of over 25,000 people is expected to address the issue and possibly step down.
In my hometown, another pastor has been proven unfaithful for the second time and may possibly face a situation where he may step down from his position.
The commonalities? Two men who are not only followers of God, but are leaders of a flock who have given into the temptations of their flesh. As a result, many people under their teaching are confused, lost, and now question God. (Sidenote: I hate short-sighted and selfish people and this is prime example of exactly why. Remember the things that you choose to do have ramifications beyond just YOU, not to mention all of the people that you cause to stumble because of your selfish actions).
Question: Why is your faith in God shaken because of the poor decisions that a person made? I ask, are these men (and women) not human just like you and me? Do you really think that they don't face any temptation? Don't you think the enemy sees that if he can cause them (the head) to fall....that he has a better chance of getting all of those behind to follow?
Here's the problem. Many people don't have a relationship with God. Yes, folks say grace and hit up Easter and Mother's day service which I've never really understood , and some people even go to church anytime the doors are open but their relationship is more horizontal than it is vertical. What I'm saying is that some people are so wrapped up in their religion and their church and their pastor that they aren't even really developing a relationship with their creator. As a result, their faith is in their leader and their loyalty is to a church-a person and a building is what they come to trust. That's really dangerous. You are counting on the leader to be your connection to God instead of connecting with Him yourself and that's not going to work because if that person fails you- you become lost and the faith you thought you had in God is failed.
You have to have a relationship with God for yourself. You have to know God on days that the church is closed. You should be comfortable conversing with Him when the doors of the church are closed. With that-you can discern doctrine as truth and you listen to teachings without putting your all into the teacher. And when trouble comes-no matter how big it is-you can look to God for clarity and recognize that people are human and that we will have challenges. You can pray for those that are in positions of leadership but don't always lead. And just because you dont' have a following doesn't mean that your dirt isn't just as filthy. Judge not.
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