I’ve been collecting my own opinions all week and since I haven’t had time to write about things individually, I just decided to put it all in one mash-up post.
1) Last night Cam Newton took home 3 major college football awards. I’m hoping that this was
only the beginning and that he takes home that Heisman on Saturday night. His look was competed with orange lining on his well-tailored suit and a big white (enough) smile, his family was there to support him. All looked well except one thing was missing-his dad. Now if you’ve been following this whole story, you know that Cam’s father has decided not to attend the awards ceremonies because he allegedly took (or planned to take) financial incentives for Cam to play football for a certain program and he doesn’t want this whole thing to overshadow Cam’s night. So because of his transgressions since this is a sin in NCAA football rules , he was and is unable to take part is what is sure to be a memorable weekend for Cam. Here lies my issue with the WHOLE thing. The NCAA has these rules against gifting and financial gain to players and while the intent is good-I guess- the reality is that they are frequently ignored. No you might not get a check cut to you directly, but when that diamond encrusted watch showed up in your mailbox-addressed to you with no sender…you knew what was up, right? The NCAA expects these men to come out and give their all on a field, expose themselves to career or life threatening injury, and be whatever they want them to be when they want them to be it. THIS is why these guys leave and go to the league early when possible. It just doesn’t make sense. I can’t even fathom the amount of money that athletic programs bring in for their schools and the guys aren’t really getting a whole lot of benefit from this. I’m not taking credit away from the money spent in scholarships but I can guarantee that figure pales in comparison to the amount brought in by these guys at some of the powerhouse schools. Wait- I got on my soapbox –oh yeah, my question is what good does it do to rob Cam Newton and his father of sharing in this award season experience together? What’s done is done and I somehow doubt that the folks offering the money have been banned from anything. As a matter of fact, I’m quite sure that the room was full of folks that have arranged “gifts” at some point or another. While I realize that Cam’s father probably wants what is best for Cam at this point and has therefore chosen to
stay away as planned, I can’t help but wish this brotha’ (and the community) were a little more vocal about this. But hey, somewhere in OUR history this taking black fathers from their families has been done before, right? I wish Cam all the luck in the world. I hope he takes home the Heisman this weekend, because the boy is BAD (and because LaMichael’s name is strange and there’s something that throws me off in his facial region).
2) Can I borrow a few trillion dollars? Do you even know what a trillion dollars looks like? Well that is apparently where the US deficit is… in the trillions. Since I (nor any of the people I’ve asked) have no clue what it looks like, and since we are continuing to spend as a government- I’ve decided that the deficit is imaginary and doesn’t exist. At this juncture, the Bush tax cuts are going to be extended oh but wait..don’t forget that we threw a few more months of unemployment
your way. So before you complain…you betta’ recognized that we did SOMETHING to help Americans that are struggling to stay afloat. But with these cuts, the message that the government is really sending is that “we got money to blow.” Because CLEARLY, if we really had a deficit that needed to be paid down, we wouldn’t be making costly moves like extending cuts to folks that can (let’s be real here) actually afford to pay taxes. Who exactly do we even owe all this money to? And if we don’t pay them what is gonna happen? I mean, it’s not like we accumulated this debt in the last couple years, so we’ve obviously been owing some people for decades. Hell, at this point let’s just not talk about the deficit anymore and maybe it will go away. Imagine if we as individuals took on this school of thought, which our government is teaching us. What if we just continued to spend and spend and not pay anyone back yes I’m aware that some of our people BEEN on that ? That would cause a problem right? So why is it ok on a national level? Don’t worry, I’ll wait for the explanation.
3) One other piece of legislation that’s sitting on the President’s desk is the “Doc Fix”. Basically if nothing happens soon, Medicare reimbursement is going to be cut by like 25%. The fear is that as a result, doctors are going to drop yo granny like a hot potato. And since granny is the matriarch of the family, we can’t have any of that going on. So the proposed “fix” is to i
ncrease payments on health care subsidies for people that receive too much benefit (either from lying on their income reports OR if their income changes). The current cap on the repayment is set at $250 for individuals and $450 for families, but that would change to between $600 and $3500. So, basically our “fix” is to take from some to give to others which is apparently perfectly fine in this instance BUT not ok when it comes to the tax cuts? If there is one thing that I can’t stand in life, it’s inconsistency. I’m me all the time, hate it or love it. I’m consistent. The government, however, is not. And now we have this. Is anyone paying attention to what is going on here? Are we ever gonna get on the good foot as a nation?
That’s it for my rant this week. Feel free to comment. What are your thoughts on Cam Newton (or ARKANSAS going to the Sugar Bowl)? Do you know where I can get some this extra money that the US has lying around? Should I stop paying back my government loans and just ignore my “deficit”? What about the “Doc Fix”, will it work? I’m listening.
1) Last night Cam Newton took home 3 major college football awards. I’m hoping that this was

2) Can I borrow a few trillion dollars? Do you even know what a trillion dollars looks like? Well that is apparently where the US deficit is… in the trillions. Since I (nor any of the people I’ve asked) have no clue what it looks like, and since we are continuing to spend as a government- I’ve decided that the deficit is imaginary and doesn’t exist. At this juncture, the Bush tax cuts are going to be extended oh but wait..don’t forget that we threw a few more months of unemployment

3) One other piece of legislation that’s sitting on the President’s desk is the “Doc Fix”. Basically if nothing happens soon, Medicare reimbursement is going to be cut by like 25%. The fear is that as a result, doctors are going to drop yo granny like a hot potato. And since granny is the matriarch of the family, we can’t have any of that going on. So the proposed “fix” is to i

That’s it for my rant this week. Feel free to comment. What are your thoughts on Cam Newton (or ARKANSAS going to the Sugar Bowl)? Do you know where I can get some this extra money that the US has lying around? Should I stop paying back my government loans and just ignore my “deficit”? What about the “Doc Fix”, will it work? I’m listening.
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