WHAT did she say?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Soul Mates?

I posed a question in my gchat status this morning,

“Ever thought about dropping it all, moving far away, and taking a chance?”

My back (my back, who always got MY BACK) responded with a resounding (or bold lettered, all caps) YES! So after fleshing out what we both were talking bout in respect to this question, we came to the topic of soul mates. She asked if I believed in them.

My response:

Well, I’d be lying if I said I’d never considered the soul mate thing. But, I don’t really know if I believe in soul mates. I think that God has someone for me, someone who is kind, caring, and attentive and such but doesn’t bore me. But even more than that, I trust that God knows me, and knows my personality and my temperament and my heart and has someone that compliments that.

Her question was then, “I always wonder though because God puts people in our path, but we also have free will so what if we make a bad choice, then does the other person get another "right person?”

She has a good point there. What if we are presented with the one that is really for us be we opt out? Do we get a do over with that person? Do we get another person all together? Of course, I don’t know the answer to that, but maybe there are multiple people that are “right” for us. Maybe that “someone” is “some people” and it’s up to me to not fauk that up with my extreme dislike for men in rubber bottom flip flops silly deal-breakers. I think that people are compatible with a lot of people and that people complement each other in various ways. Do I necessarily believe there’s a 100% match for everyone, no. I think that there are people that complement one another VERY well, but along with that there’s commitment to one another, and a decision on each person’s part no not let minor differences be an option for calling it quits. I’m not sure if this exactly fits with the definition of a soul mate, so that is why I’m not sure if I really believe in that one. I also wonder what happens if you never meet this “soul mate” figure? Have you failed at love and have no hopes of having a loving and lasting relationship with someone else?

You guys have been quiet on the comments, tell me what you think? Do you believe in soul mates? What happens if you give your “soul mate” one look and decide to move on to the next? What if you never meet him or her? Speak to me.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT TOPIC! One thing that crossed my mind while reading, 100% match for everyone...I think there is. It goes back to the post about dealing with student loans, our future mate downfalls, or even bad habits can or will you deal with it? I think what God considers 100% match is not the same as what we see as a 100% match. I need someone to not match my personality but fill in the gaps of me that I am lacking or don’t have. That’s why male and female are a perfect match because the way God has allowed each gender to operate, we fill in the gaps for each other.
