Has anyone ever asked you where your scar came from?
I have a scar on my knee from a katydids can that I cut myself on when I was younger. I have a vivid memory of what happened and even what I learned. No running in the house! There are other scars on me that have come from one thing or another, each with its own story and lesson. Much like the physical scars that you can see, I (and all of you I’m sure) , have some invisible scars from things we’ve experienced in our lives.
I just finished listening to a sermon by Dr. Waller (my pastor from Philly) talking about scars and how we shouldn’t forget their purpose. He said something in the sermon that really stuck with me .
"Yes, I have scars on me, but they are ok to touch because they don’t hurt anymore. "
Dr. Waller spoke about how Jesus invited Thomas to touch His scar and how doing that helped Thomas to believe. Well, just as Jesus used his scars as a teaching moment, we should too.
We write a lot of stuff on this blog. I know that it can be a
So I ask you- are you using your experiences to help others? Are you harboring hate, hurt, and pain from scars that you won’t let heal? How much better would life be if we just let some things go-take the time to heal- and then use that as a lesson not just for you, but for someone else too.
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