WHAT did she say?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's that "one thing"

yeah , like Amerie, but not really. I was reading some exercise mag the other day and someone was saying that their gym time is their time to be completely selfish for that little hour of the day. I think this was Kim Kardashian. I dunno who, doesn't really matter. But that got me to thinking. She was right. If you have a realtively busy life between work, service, and socializing, you've got to take those few moments to be completely unto your self. Not that it has to be exercising, or definitely an hour, but ideally there should be SOME time in the day that is just for you.

I'm in the gym about four days a week. Because my iPhone doubles as my iPod and my everything else, I often find myself texting, emailing, playing words with friends, all during my "selfish time". I am now contemplating breaking out the old iPod (well I think that thing is donezo), but maybe my old iPhone and using it solely for music purposes. That way my only distraction in the gym would be the newest graduates of the inmate release program that I am convinced has been started in Pentagon City.

And while we are on the subject of exercise, I started antoher week of Bikram on yesterday. Dear DC, I've found the spot where the brown peopole do Bikram. I checked out Bikram Yoga Capitol Hill yesterday and I was shocked at all the sistas coming in there (head not wrapped either). I must say that I was more impressed with Bikram Dupont's actual space, but the facility is nice. Its located in the H Street Corridor for all the folks in and around DC looking to try something new. Despite the buckets of water that pour from the body during Bikram, it is one of the most relaxing practices I've experienced. If you have a hard time finding "selfish" time, you might want to consider this. Its 1.5 hours with NO cell phone and NO talking; just listening and challenging your body to stretch beyond its farthest point.

Random sidebar: I know we've been absent from posting for a while. The past few months have been busy, trying, and challenging. I hope to get back to posting atleast once a week.

1 comment:

  1. That way my only distraction in the gym would be the newest graduates of the inmate release program that I am convinced has been started in Pentagon City.

