I can already hear you reminding me that I am not supposed to be shopping BUT I couldn't pass up this great deal. ONe of the best kept secrets is the Old Navy Running Short. They are currently on sale online (more $$) and in the store. I love, love, love these shorts. I've had a couple pair for a while but I heard a commercial for ON's extra 30% off sale so I thought I'd go take a peek to see if I could score a couple more pair. Never disappointing, the ON near my office (for the day) had two pair at a great price. I literally paid about $3.50 per pair.
What I love about them: they are super light weight, very cute, and sexy-short. We all know how much I heart my legs so these are the perfect shorts to show off your hard work after running a little bit. The fabric is wrinkle-proof so ball up a pair and throw'em in the gym bag. I got black and hot pink today to match some other ON athletic gear I got a while ago! Check them out at www.oldnavy.com or in store (I guarantee they are cheaper in the store)
So to help me stay motivated to work out I stopped by Old Navy this evening....the trip was a #FAIL...no running shorts! I blame it on you! lol