WHAT did she say?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gas Station & Now Dinner
I was pumping gas and this nice groomed guy asked me if the gas was discounted. I was like I guess, I never even looked at the price of the gas from the beginning. So he walked to the end of the street to see if the price was discounted and of course it was. So I thought he would get in his car and go his separate way, but what you know, he stayed till I pumped my gas getting to know me. We exchanged numbers, I called him we talked, and talked, and talked some more. Four days later he text me and asked me to go to dinner. That’s cool I guess, I really don’t know. I mean I do have my schedule planned today. I do have room to rearrange for dinner with a cool guy. But….. I don’t know I just met him; Of course I will drive my own car. Of course I will not suggest one of my favorite exclusive spots. My problem is I don’t know this guy! Who cares about the free meal, really I always make plans to pay for my meal myself.
But I will confess the best way to get to know someone is face to face interactions and time. My main concern is how small of a capital I live in plus he has acknowledged we know some of the same people. But really I am not looking for anything serious with him (he is attractive, not to old but older) …….
Now I zone certain parts of conversation out at times, maybe the wrong time! But I remember him saying, four days ago, he has no kids. I wonder who was the lil kid I saw in the attached photo of the text I received today, hmmmmm. Of course I asked and of course I haven’t received a response back.

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