WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Learning to walk away...

...from a sale. Consciously NOT shopping is really a challenge. Of course I've "not shopped" before but that was during times of a substantially lower income. It's so easy to make a commitment to do something when it's not really going to cost you anything. On the other hand, when it is something that actually means something or is special to you...its another story.

I went in the mall today to make a return and got caught up in looking in other stores...intending to "just take a peek". Of course this one item that I'd been waiting on was ON SALE...FOR CHEAP! I toyed with the idea of buying it and then my mother reminded me that if I didn't make an effort to stick to the plan set for myself, I won't ever be disciplined in that area. So true! So, I bowed my head and left the store.

Learning to be disciplined in our lives can come in several ways. We can learn from others (i.e. Parents), situations, or from ourselves. As a part of "The 25 Project" my goal is to become more disciplined especially in the area of shopping. So I have to learn to say no to myself and simply walk away. I've been blessed with a closet FULL of clothes, shoes, and accessories. I know that I can do without some things for a while. I know that temptation won't go away (especially since I haven't stayed out of stores or away from online shopping), but it takes discipline to not give in and I know I can do it!

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