WHAT did she say?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let them GO!

As I've said before, there are people and relationships that are only meant to be a part of your life for a defined time or "season". The length of time spent with this person varies and could be as short as a minute or as long as ALMOST a lifetime. Being able to recognize when the time to end or walk away from that person or relationship is not a "gift" but it isn't always the easiest thing to do. I've heard several times before and after the new year that we need to leave some people in 2009 and not bring them into the new year or the new decade.

As my pastor said a few Sundays ago...there are some people that shouldn't have even made it into 2009 but did AND NOW they are trying to find their way into 2010. You have to know when enough is enough. You deserve better than some people can give you. I deserve better than the relationship I've had with some people. Be it my fault, theirs, or due to some other circumstances...I have to love myself enough to leave unhealthy relationships in the past.

Apologies are great and the help provide closure in some way, but they don't always mend a relationship or even guarantee that it will improve. I've prayed for the people in my life that I've decided to leave in 2009-to not let into MY 2010 and bring the negative energy. I've prayed that they have better lives with peace and joy and love, and I've prayed for myself to not only have the strength to let the relationship go- but also to truly be able to forgive them and not hold any ill feelings toward them.

New year....new people...new relationships

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