WHAT did she say?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Being Un-Selfish

Moving along my personal journey has allowed me to learn so much about myself. Being single has given me time to learn things about me, what I desire, what my goals are, etc. I'm not saying that you can't learn these things while in a relationship, but I think being single for some period of time allows you to get to know who you really are and what you really want from life. So I am still learning the things that I do and don't desire in a mate...the things that I like and don't like...and I think that hashing those things out will eventually put me in a relationship that is both interesting and loving.

A part of the lesson involves reflection (of course) on past relationships. Now I know that it took me way longer than it should have (and I know someone who would agree) to realize that I've actually been blessed to date really good guys. With maybe one exception...every guy that I've seriously dated has been a genuinely good guy. I, however, didn't realize how good I had it and perhaps I took these people and those relationships for granted. So as I continue to pray that God brings the right person into my life, I actually find myself thanking Him for those that he's brought in the past and pray that He brings an appreciative woman into their lives.

I was having a conversation with someone that I used to date the other day that I am still good friends with. He was telling me of a person that he is currently dating and about how he is thinking of making it "official" with the girl. My response was "whatever makes you happy" and he informed me that on some level it mattered to him what I thought about the relationship. The truth is that he and I are friends and while he is an AWESOME guy...a relationship isn't in the cards for us at this time (or as far as I know). I truly want him to be happy so why wouldn't I want him with someone that does just that-makes him happy? I like the way it feels to be unselfish and to want the best for others.

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