WHAT did she say?

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Pinch of Salt Perfect

So I was planning to blog about the guy who put me in the right size box at the Sprint Store, but I really don't want to discuss his ignorance right now. Then I was going to blog about the grocery store guy and wonder 'Dude, why are you randomly texting me' You lied after conversing with me for 45min., plus you talked about your cars and cash, thinking I was a materialistic type of chick, WRONG!! There is no hope for you! I mean I don't even respond to the good morning beauty, what you been up to text: I am up to the same thing that I was up to two days ago. GIVE ME A BREAK.
Instead I am choosing to type my fingers away to discuss one of my addictions: shopping. But I am now online just melting away! So everyone is having somewhat good sales since room has to be made for Spring items. When its still nippy outside, its hard not to buy FAB Boots that price looks good compared to what they originally marked for. I want to throw in the flag and shop!!!!! I will have the funds for my future trips, but I am saving not just for vacation I am saving b/c its the AMERICAN thing to do. But I am not perfect:/ So what do I do satisfy my craving by buying something as simple as a package of watermelon bubblicious, my fav martini, or food. But those are temporary, so I will end up buying clothing bc i will be able to see it the next day. Then when the new item becomes old, im back in this same mindset of 'I WANT SOMETHING NEW!' That is the answer change my mindset! Well I know I can not change my mindset, i will leave that to my MY GOD (he is so good to me even when i don't deserve it).
I'm going to do better, I am making my tummy nausea by debating with myself on spending (up up the roller coaster and dooooown the roller coaster). I know realize my $$$$ is burning a hole in my pocket! I wonder if I hide all my cards from myself, take out X amount of $$ for 2 weeks. The problem is I spend cash quicker than I will swipe a card, however if I only have X amount of money to spend it just may work! But I guess that the whole point of budgeting. I am sure once I get past this month I hope to be better . I mean we can't just season our meat and say its ready! You do have to add some heat so the process will start turning the meat almost to perfect to eat:) I say that in letting you know, I have turned the oven on and now its my turn to go through the process!

1 comment:

  1. If you just insist on spending. I suggest creating a budget. Or perhaps a seperate account for money that can be your spending money. Just remember to save more, be reasonaable, and make the better decisions...this may encourage you to take a step back and realize the things you truly need and that way you can learn to live mroe efficiently all together, even when your a millionaire... :)
