WHAT did she say?

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Pursuer and the Pursued

By nature...women want to be desired and pursued. It's simple...and its timeless. It's just the way (most) women are built. Sure, we may throw out a few hints or even approach a guy BUT in the end the goal is to not be the pursuer, instead we want to be pursued. So sometimes we may not blatantly say "I want..." because we want you to give a little. Make a move. I know in the day of the I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T woman it can be difficult to negotiate the lines of which moves to make, however, there are still some women who subscribe to some of the traditional roles of men and women and actually want you to take the lead. Once you've decided to do this..then you must say what you mean/feel. I know that might be asking A LOT since many men don't verbalize these things on a regular basis. But just as men are not mind readers...neither are women. If you want to spend time with me...say it...don't leave things open to the other person's interpretation-that's where communication mishaps come from!

Your move...

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