WHAT did she say?

Monday, January 25, 2010

And now a word about lies...

This weekend inspired a few different posts and since I didn't actually post them this weekend..you get two today. (Note: these two posts are NOT related)

You know the phrase "You ain't got to lie to kick it"? Well that's one of my favorite phrases because it holds true. Lies tend to only complicate things more than they need to be. If you know me, then you know that lies and liars are the two things that bother me most. To me, honesty just works. It might not be the words that someone wants to hear, but at least there is no confusion or misunderstanding.

Some people feel the need to lie for whatever reason..to push their own agendas or because they feel backed into a corner or whatever. I guess I just don't understand the point. If I ask you a question its because I want the honest answer and in some cases...I already know the answer but want to see if you will be honest.

Choosing to not tell the truth for whatever reason puts you in a certain category with me. Can I trust anything that you say..simple or complex? If you later come with the truth (which I already knew) is that supposed to excuse the fact that you weren't forthright initially? It probably wont. But at least you decided to be honest at some point...right?

The people I encounter truly entertain me. Lets just keep it 100 with one another so that there is no confusion since we know that there are already opinions, stories and the like circulating without any influence from the either of us...k?


  1. interesting post. You just helped me to pinpoint one of my biggest issues with the women in my life with the following statement:
    "and in some cases...I already know the answer but want to see if you will be honest."
    I have never understood this practice, it usually just breads an issue that will be ongoing in the relationship, be it romantic or otherwise, for time to come. If you already "know" the answer don't ask the question, now if you are open to realizing that you don't actually "know" the answer that's a wholly different thing. It's as if you are saying that anything outside of what you have ascertained is a lie, when you may have false information, ya feel me. Having been on the otherside of a question where the answer was already "known", I can say that it's not an exhilirating experience. It can easily be misconstrued with playing games. Again EXCELLENT Post!!!

  2. E.Jamal I realize I am able to get a feel for a person’s personality, when I ask a question I already know the answer too. How so? Because if I know the answer, he lies. Next question I am wondering, why lie about? What else will he lie about? If he tells the truth, perfect!
