WHAT did she say?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Recognizing the enemy

I will admit that this has been a really hard month for me. As you ALL know i've been tackling my relationship with money and spending. I've blogged so much as part of the process working through it. I know that it is something that I must do in order to be the person I want to be in the position that I want to be in financially. It's tough. I appreciate you calling me out on my shortcomings too. So now the month is almost gone and I look at the budget and my Mint.com and I'm like...WTF! Where did the money go? I didn't shop-shop so what did I spend money on? How did I manage to not save as much as I thought I would? Why did bills increase THIS month? To top all of that off..I started playing around with my tax return today and WTF!!! I owe? OWE? I have never owed money. I felt myself getting into a mood and a funk and getting upset about the whole thing.

THEN I began to see the situation more clearly. When you are working to walk that path that God has for you..the enemy will try to stop you. There are things that will make you question your walk, make you feel that you can't do it, and even make you want to or almost just say "effit". Being able to discern these thoughts for what they are is key and for me it comes from my prayer life and growing relationship with God. After realizing what this was really about I turned my frown upside down. I could easily say forget saving. There's no difference when I'm shopping and when I'm not. I could scrap tithing and use that money for something else, BUT that's not it. The key is to continue to walk the path that I've set out on. I know that when you are doing what God's instructed you to do...the enemy will come for you and try to knock you off of your path. It's up to me to keep walking! I almost didn't post this...but a lot of my life is transparent and I don't mind sharing it...be it something I'm not happy about..something embarrassing...or whatever. Never know who might be reading and who it might help.

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