WHAT did she say?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Do you have to eat your hot dog next to me? and other inner city shenanigans

Due to the nature of my job, I can be in any number of places for my workday and very seldom does that list of places include my actual office. In many clinics-I share a space with someone and in others I simply get in where I fit in.

Today I'm in inner city Baltimore at a clinic where most of the kids don't show up for their scheduled appointments, the parents of the kids are liable to be younger than me, and the staff is a bit boughetto is lacking a little class. Even as I type this, there is a woman who decided to come into the room I was in to eat her hot dog (the smell of which is actually making my stomach turn) and is also SMACKING these damn chips as if it would be a crime to chew quietly.

This is the same woman that burst into the office this morning asking me to print her off one of them picnic flyers (no, I had no idea what she was talking about) that my co-worker printed for her before. After stating that I couldn't find such a thing...she then said...oops I meant Six Flags. Ma'am you have the same access to the benefits homepage as I do...find yourself....

Then there's the "other" employees. I've come to overlook the outlandish nail designs and such since I have been known to wear a single finger painted a different color (which is as liberal as I can go with the nails). I get it...you paid good money for Kim Chi to paint all those designs. But somethings just don't mesh with your workplace. So to the girl with half of her head shaved and the other half covered with a blonde weave and Goldilocks curls-I'm talking to you. I know you saw Cassie and 'nem rocking a similar look but they are actually paid to make appearances...you ma'am are not.

To the children in the waiting room. PLEASE SIT YOUR ARSE DOWN.Is it thundering outside? No, that's little running around like they ain't go no home training. And to you grown kids that still see the pediatrician...don't come in with your phone playing music through the speaker. I get tired of hearing OMG on the radio and I don't really want to hear it resonating from your cell phone as you come into the office to get some "stuff" done. And did you smirk when I just shot you that side-eye? I cannot.

And finally-I am asking the followers of the 25 project to make contributions so that I can get a mobile weave truck. The concept is patented...don't try to go out and make millions off my ideas. It's like an ice-cream struck. It stops by in the hood. Its got to be a non-profit- a community service of sorts. For a minimal fee way under the going rate because I know times are hard and I'm going to pretend that is the reason that your weave game looks like you let a family of rats play in your head while you were sleeping you will get a quality weave. I think I need a name for this, something catchy. I'm going to need quite a few of these to really make an impact on the community...Who's making donations?

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