WHAT did she say?

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I thought by a certain age everyone isnt considered a friend. Maybe bc of the social networks like Facebook, they casually use the word friend so we all feel its ok to call everyone a friend. When in fact a lot of people are acquaintance and not a friend. I consider myself a friend to whoever bc you can share your most darkest secrets w/ me and I will not share with others or judge you. I will give my last to you and want expect anything in return. I want share your mishaps with other so called 'Friends.' Matter of fact, I want even mention you to another so called 'friend'. I think we have to first value relationships (male and female, casual, business, and personal) before we can understand friendships. We have to put so much into a relationship and value not only the person, but the relationship. People really should want the best for someone else and not just self. If you are not willing to value my friendship, really dont waste your time in calling me a friend. Hold up this is all on me, I had no business in calling you a friend in the beginning, my bad.

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