WHAT did she say?

Monday, July 12, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Little Miss 'Living OUT LOUD!' The 25 Project has officially closed one chapter and opened another. Get ready for the new age bracket of the Good, the Bad and the Whatever! Of course I had plans all weekend to type of a wonderful note to you. However its 12:17 a.m. cst and I am trying to get all my thoughts together. I can truly say you have grown from Fuller Jr High to a women with a destiny. We laugh, cried, & prayed together. But the best part no matter the distance, we can truly say that our friendship was meant to happen. We always reminisce on how we just happen to link up talking about one of our loves, fashion. From that point on we knew who we were (brown girls who developed a personal relationship w/ Christ) and we understood that we had to go through some hard times to receive the plans God has for us. With that being said, God told us in Jeremiah that he has plans to take care of us and prosper us. I know that turning 25 is just another stepping stone in your life that will take you closer to where God wants you to be. Enjoy this year bc 'GIRLFRIEND WE ARE NOW APART OF THE QUARTER CENTURY CLUB!'

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