We were talking the other day and you mentioned that there was a move that you were interested in making, but felt that you were too young to be put in that position. My response: age has nothing to do with maturity or ability. If you've got it, you've got it. That's it.
When we are contemplating making a major move or change in our lives there can be a voice just as loud as the one that motivates you- telling you that you can't do it for whatever reason. That is usually the voice of the enemy. But that's not the point of this post.
Let's talk about why age doesn't matter in life. Yeah you get older but that doesn't have a direct correlation to anything but health really. Being older doesn't automatically make your wiser, smarter, or more mature. How many old arse men do you know that can't be responsible in their life decisions? How many old arse women do you know that still make terrible mothers? Yeah, my point exactly. Age is merely an indicator of how many days you've spent alive. Maturity comes as a result of learning from your experiences and seeking ways to grow. So many people go through things but don't pay attention to the lesson and find themselves back in that same place over and over again. Choosing to put yourself in a position where you can grow personally and making the choice to not simply "go through" but to learn from your experiences is what makes you "mature". Making these choices can move you so far beyond those around you and those that you perceive should be ahead of you.
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