There comes at time when you realize that your mom was right, and though you hate to admit it, you must. So, mom, you were right though the edgy guys won't be boring, they will have a dash-too-much of selfishness, and being someone that doesn't deal well with selfish people-that will not work. Even casually dating someone who is a bit too selfish won't work because they will eventually like many other people just annoy the hell out of me. Thankfully, I've managed to keep a good balance of good and evil around, but maybe it's time to get back to the basics and stop attributing to that whole "nice guys finish last" bit. Now....how do I keep from getting bored? That's another question for another day, but I'm sure consciously trying not to will help so we'll start there. This is me, giving good a chance.
And speaking of giving chances....I've been wanting to write a post about how my awful ordeal with Comcast changed for the better. BUT IT HASN'T. As of today we are at 5 appointments/3 NO-SHOWs after the tech calling my roomate at 10:17PM last night to announce his arrival. I think Ocho Cinco says "Chile Please". Who's letting some rando Comcast tech in their house that late at night. Meanwhile back at the ranch, the cable blinks out every few minutes. I literally watched the first 9 minutes of Chelsea Lately and observed 3 blanks in that time period. I wonder if the Comcast CEO knows that they are this terrible at providing technical service. Perhaps they should contract less and direct hire more. Oh and another fun fact-Comcast owns Fandango...so I might have to stop using that service too. Ugh. Dear Comcast, you are the worst and I am confident that the only reason that people continue pay for your service is because there are no other options...monopoly is a bish, aint it?
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