WHAT did she say?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cheater, Cheater....pumpkin eater...

Please forgive my childlike title but I work in pediatrics all day!

I came across this article at the New York Post about a woman who is obviously hurt by the ending of an affair that decided to get revenge in a BIG way. I sent the article to a male friend and his reply was "What's the deal with politicians not keeping their pants on?' My response was "What's the deal with MEN not keeping their pants on?" Now to be fair...for the most part there is also a woman involved and she shouldn't get off scott free either. Affairs are "all the rage" it seems. Every other day we are hearing of another famed person who has decided to step-out and see what they've been missing since they were in this committed relationship.

To be clear, I'm not a fan of cheating and I try not to judge because I don't know everyone's story (and you don't either). But I can not, for the life of me, understand why cheating seems like the thing to do. If you are someone who feels like you are gonna miss out on life by being in a relationship- then why not just save some people the heartache and the heartbreak and don't enter into those kinds of relationships. I don't think that every man that has cheated has had the intention to do so. Individual situations may have simply presented the opportunity. But for men (and women) who carry on these lifelong affairs...I just can't respect that. If you need to have a constant affair with a person over the course of YEARS then WHY are you still married? Are you that greedy and selfish that you must have it all? How much do you love your wife if you are willing to blatantly disrespect your union? And for the mistress...why is it so easy to have no regards for another woman's relationship. Is it really THAT good? Do you honestly think that you are going to get a lifelong, loving and committed relationship out of this in the end? (I know this does happen in some cases) But honestly, these situations often leave the wife and the mistress hurt...leading to busted windows, slashed tires, and GIGANTIC billboards!

I guess I'd rather you take your time and be sure that this is what you want before committing than feeling the need to pressure into doing something you aren't ready for. Maybe its just me...

1 comment:

  1. can we make it clear that busted windows slashed tires and the like are NOT okay. Neither is infidelity.
